Tuesday, June 06, 2006

f*#%*ing internet connection

It has been so long since I have blogged that my own site didnt even recognize me. I signed on and it was all like "Do I know you? You look like someone that I used to know, but you cant be that person because she has obviously forsaken me" I appologized and it has let me back in on a trial basis. I have to say that I think that I am the only person in the whole wide world who cant get her cable internet to work for any amount of time. The worse thing about it is that the connection totally knows its smarter than me. All the time it teases just saying "Ha Ha, you just think your connected right." Now it wont connect me at all. I am currently sitting outside my friends house (she's not home) sponging off her service. Oh dont worry about it, I'm paying for it--- In blood. Being that we live in the wilds of NH I am being eaten by bugs.

I don't know how much longer I'm going to make it.

Lots of new things to report, however I do not have enough blood in my system to write it all now. Lets just say Ding Dong the witch is dead, the straw finally broke the camels back, it all came out like a barrel of monkeys.

I no longer work at Zebs!

I think that I will leave you at that beacause I am going to be scratching the rest of the day as it is. (and my laptop battery I swear lasts no longer than a half hour)

F*#%*ing internet connection, its on now!

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