Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Viva La Video!

My local video store is going out of business and I cant help but feel responcible. With the evolution of online rentals such as the netflix that I am such a fan of, I hardly ever went to rent a movie. At four bucks a pop it wears on a working girls budget. Plus I have an addiction to off-beat widescreen movies. I find that so many video stores have the idea that if it isnt a mainstream full screen flic than it is not worth having. This particular video store while yes it did have a foreign movie section, they crammed it in with the pornos. They were even in a seperate room. I would have to sneak in there everytime I wanted to watch something with a subtitle. If you havent caught it already, I do not live in a very cultured town.

Sometimes I just want to move away. Funny though Kate wants us to move to Madison. When I say that I want to move, I really wasn't thinking of moving to a more rural area. Madison is a crappy suburb of the crappy town that I live in. The place that she wants us to go is not even close to town, I swear it is a fourty five minute drive into town. That towns movie store is two shelves in a gas station. I am not happy.

To the victors go the spoils though. The video store is selling all of their stock dirt cheap. I have bought like eight movies in the past two days. Haha!

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