Friday, August 04, 2006
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Ring, Ring

I am so tired my eyelids feel like they are sticking to my eyeballs. It would be just my luck to be packing up the whole house during a heatwave. Of course it doesn't help that I am doing it alone and I am so stressed out about work. I don't know if I am going to be able to do this. It is one thing to deal with pissed off people every now and then but now it is my responcibility to deal with each and every one of those people. And its not just little things either, little things other people can handle it by themselves-- I get the truly, messed up, pissed off people. Right now I am dealing with one lady, who, even though it is my days off, I am stressing about. I also know that I tend to blow things up in my mind. I mean really, its not as though this lady can come through the phone at me. She will yell at me and I will take it and we will move on. However I must say that I do love saying that I am the manager. Besides what will I do? Go back to Zebs? I don't think so, this is just Stephanie becomes a better person part 7. Personal Growth is not easy.
I think that I am going to go and get something to eat. There is still alot of time- alot of things to do before I have to go to bed.
Alright end on a good note, end on a good note, hmm....
Monday, July 31, 2006
Lovley Things
Two of my new favorite things,
NCIS- Kate bought the first season on DVD, it's great
Black Garbage Bags. Not just for trash anymore, no boxes? No problem, just use a trashbag. (just make sure not to mix up the piles)
On Wednesday C and I traveled over an hour to go to Cinamagic. Let me tell you it is magical. I saw the Lady in the Water, we had stadium seating all to our selves. Woa!
Next Thursday I am going to see a local production of the Full Monty. Naked locals, should make for an memorable evening.
PS since I wrote this I have to add that another one of my new favorite things is Amy, she and her brother Josh have been incredibly helpful in this whole crazy moving process.
Gots ta Go- I'm home on my lunch break!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
THe other shoe

Now there is even more things going on right now!
Guess what? I am now a manager! Not only do I have a new job that I love, employers that think I am the shit, but now I have the power to go crazy. I am dizzy with power. Bwa-haha! No just kidding, I am more nervious than anything. I just tell myself that it is just like Zebs except now I have to actually fire people. Actually the thing that makes me more nervious is the fact that if they don't like the job that I am doing, they will take it back. I totally wouldn't be able to work there anymore.
I was talking to Cand K the other day and I still cant believe all the weirdly wonderfull things that keep happening to me in the last few months. Since I have cleared out the oppressive things that have loomed over me, it has been nothing but good times, difficult yes but I think it it has been- grossly put- a real growth time for me.
I am await the other shoe.
Friday, July 21, 2006
hurry hurry
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Flashing Bald Spots of Insperation

I am actually being a very good girl right now. I am hard at work on my very first novel. Well lets hope that it will be a novel when it is done. It is one of my goals to finish a novel and I decided that there is no time like the present. I have made a pact with myself that I will finish it by my birthday. You heard it here folks. 11/02/06. I will be finished (a rough draft of course) 11/2/06. Of course I will immediately burn it to a cindiery ash.
I write 3 hours a day everyday, with a hopeful goal of 10 pages per day. Of course that is assuming that the stupid Microsoft program. Also I am reading Steven King's On Writing. I'm finding it very helpful.
Oh my god, I am watching the Fishbowl on There is a interview with Kevin Smith on and there was a shot of the back of his head and he totally has this huge bald spot. I can't believe that he is still playing Silent Bob with a bald spot. The people of my generation are already starting to show signs of wear and tear-- its all down hill from here on out folks.
Alright it is just about 9 so I have to go, you know everyday that I write it gets just a little bit easier. Yesterday I even had this huge bolt of inspiration hit me. A whole plot line figured itself out. Just as Steven King predicted, spooky.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Rise Up!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Charlie lets go to the candy mountain!
Ode to Lifetime movies

1. It must star a once famous actress for who this is their last stop before infomercial and those where are they now shows. Now on frequent rotation that girl from Facts of Life, the mom from Family Ties, and that anorexic girl from that tv show with Kirk Cameron. Right now a surprising addition is that crazy one who was Ellens girlfriend.
2. Someone must be in peril. Either they have a bad relationship where they are being cheated on, beaten, or otherwise milined, they have to be sick-- real sick, cancer preferably, or their lives must generally be in danger by being abandoned, kidnapping, becoming a prostitute, or by murder. A really good show has any combination of these.
3. Someone a person loves is in peril, see above and they turn amateur detective to find out who done them wrong.
4. There must at some point be an empationed speach.
5. The title generally includes "based on a true story" or "inspired by real life events"
6. The man gets it in the end, it doesn't matter how, it just has to happen.
Here are some of my top favorites:
'Caught in the act"where the girls husband cheats on her she learns to become a private eye to catch him in the act and then her friend is killed by her husband and she investigates that and catches him (see rule 2 and 3),
That one with Sabrina the Teenaged witch's boat sinks at sea, and they have to wait for someone to find them while only her and the other romantic lead survive. Its called something like two left or something
The Betty Broadrick story where the crazy woman shoots her husband,
that one where Farah Focett shoots her kids "Small Sacrifices"
Ooh and that one with Yasmine Bleeth where she is married to that guy who ends up being a con man and shoots his best friend's daughter in law and steals the grandchild-- gives it to Yasmine as an adopted child and she had to investigate him. Love that one.
That one where that girl from Charmed plays a girl who after her birthday cheats on her, she makes him kill the other girl to prove his love to her. And that other one the Charmed girl is in where her mom is being beaten.
I could go on and on. Actually I already have. In conclusion, I heard that Lifetime is changing the format of their station and this is my plea: Less Golden Girls more Lifetime Movies!
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Tonight we saw The Lake House. Can I say--who didn't see that bus coming? Also the whole movie I was like why doesn't she just google him? You can find anyone on the internet nowadays. At the end of the movie I looked over and both C and Kate (yes she was able to drag herself away from her homework for the evening) both had the tears. Not so much with me. Don't get me wrong I was sad but for another reason. I was going to write a whole blog about it but as I was catching up on reading some of my favorite blogs and I found one that Liza Palmer wrote in her Conversations With the Fat Girl blog. If you are reading this go there now. It is justs what I was going to write, just done better. Do we really set us up for a fall with all of the books and movies that we see nowadays? Who can match up with the ideals that are built up over the years?
Oh yeah and what happened to the dog? Did it die? Was it the one casualty of the time loop or whatever?
Anyway if you need me you can catch me standing out by the mailbox. Right after I buy one.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Painful things

I just wanted to take this time to tell Kate that I don't hate her for moving. You have to do what will make you happy and eventually I will support you of course but right now I am just feeling very sad. We both knew that we couldn't live together forever like we planned when we were kids because --well we are not kids anymore. That doesnt mean that I relish that this day has come, I will miss you sooooooo much! And I know that we don't say it enough but I love you bunches.
Big Love and Bigger Peace
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Ach ye bonnie lass

Every day I feel like I need to get moving on this list. I feel that every day is just slipping from my hands like water. Days are slipping to months, which then slip to years. I am helpless to stop it. I have a lot of grandeious ideas on my list and yes I do chip off a couple each year but it is just not fast enough for me. How does one even begin to pack up your life and move to a new place. The ties that hold me here grow stronger- well they feel stronger anyway. When you make a list of it the only things that are holding me here is my job and my few close friends. I am not in contact with any of my family, I am perenally not in a relationship, and I have no idea where I am going to live in about 2 months. My friends have there own lives that I feel like I can’t horn in on. I can’t expect others to base their life on me and I wouldn’t want them to. (okay who wouldn’t want that.) I am just saying that my friends are not sitting around making decisions with me as a deciding factor.
If I knew what was best for me I would take the opportunity of Kate leaving to make a run for it myself. I mean god-damnit already grow up!
Okay once again that was very maudlin. End on a good note- Things that I have accomplished from my list
1. I have been to Ireland
2. I have signed up to be on the bone marrow registary
3. I have learned to scuba dive.
4. Plans have begun for Italy07
Soon I will have scene all of the Monarch of the Glens and I will be able to get back to my life. Perhaps for Halloween this year I will be a bonnie lass. Did I mention that Hottie McHotHot is Scottish?
Friday, June 23, 2006

It was so busy at my job today that we had trouble keeping up. Those days are fun, the hustle bustle, the willy nilly, the hurley burley. Okay now I am just high on Nantucket Cookies.
Also my writing drive came back! I thought it was gone forever, that perhaps it had left me because I was doing nothing with it other than writing notes on orders at the store. My insperation said 'hey you- you suck! I'm leaving you for the death metal band next door.' I am going to eat dinner and try my hand at some writing tonight. Of course this may just be because Netflix sent me the wrong disk and I have nothing to watch tonight. I am refusing to watch tv.
Wish me wit, creativity, and nimble fingers.
(And more cookies because I have already polished off my bag)
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Bad Moon On the Rise

The worst is on its way. I will fill in later. I ran out of time. Work was crazy busy, not just with orders but every call was someone with a big problem. Today is Thursday, usually those days are just on Monday and Friday.
Wa Wa Wa... must. write. something. cheery. I love this artist. I have never seen one in person but I look forward to the day that I do. I later I will talk more about Parkeharrison.
Oo- and another good thing! I finally got my email a settled also I found that I am able to go to the adelphia web site on other computers and check my email... wahoo!
Batton down the hatches- stormy weather ahead!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Adult Behavior

Tomorrow I am planning the rest of my life--my financial life that is. I am talking with a financial planner at my friends bank. I don’t know whether I am feeling proud that I am being a responsible adult or depressed that I am now a responsible adult. All I know is that I don’t want to be one of those really people who are eighty and have to work full time to survive. Maybe this will give me the same feeling that voting does. If you don’t know that feeling one your stupid especially if you’re a woman and two go out and vote. It doesn’t matter if it’s a big election, local, state, secret society, there is nothing quite like the feeling that voting give you.
(okay strike the old people one, they give me the hebie-gebies)
Big Love and a Big Mac
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Ahoy there! Crappy movie ahead!

What's the Upside of Anger? I am guessing more anger. Could she was angry because her movie was so stupid. I haven't felt this angry at a movie that in a very long time. I am talking The Hours angry people. Now there was two hours of my life that I will never get back. There should be a warning on these movies. You know just a heads up that says "hey crappy movie with no plot, where everyone obseses about how unhappy they are ahead." Just a suggestion.
On the upside it was Kates netflix so I didn't have to waste one of mine on a bad one. My netflix is another that Donna recommended Monarch of the Glen. I am hooked.
Oh well I popped in a new movie to try to clear off the depression of the last one. Mirror Mask. I have scene it before. It is very innovative, I definatly reccomend it.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Card Carrying FOGS

I don't know if you guys saw Garden State or not but if you haven't I reccomend you put down your computer and quickly make your way to the nearest video store. I rented it one night and the very next day I bought both the movie and the soundtrack. To this day year later I still listen to the soundtrack at least a couple of times a week. It is on permenant rotation on my ipod. I would watch the movie more often, but I lent it to a friend who- if she doesn't return it soon will become a frienemy.
This movie just speaks to me, the lonliness, the anger that he feels, the belief that there should be something more to our lives than what we allow ourselves to experience. Do you get angrey at the people around you for how your life has turned out or do you get angrey at yourself for allowing things to happen to you while your just along for the ride?
This is the only life that I have and I want to be happy.
It is scarry when you realize that because then you have to figure out where do I go from here? I think that the thing that I love most about Garden State is that it ends on that very question, it is not wrapped up in a happy little bow like most movies are nowadays. Where do we go from here? Who knows.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Viva La Video!
Sometimes I just want to move away. Funny though Kate wants us to move to Madison. When I say that I want to move, I really wasn't thinking of moving to a more rural area. Madison is a crappy suburb of the crappy town that I live in. The place that she wants us to go is not even close to town, I swear it is a fourty five minute drive into town. That towns movie store is two shelves in a gas station. I am not happy.
To the victors go the spoils though. The video store is selling all of their stock dirt cheap. I have bought like eight movies in the past two days. Haha!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
day of sloth

From then I moved onto watching special features of other movies that I hadn't done before. I love special features. The whole movie making process facinates me. Tonight it was the special features for Moulin Rouge There were a ton of them. I have owned this movie for well over a year and I had yet to watch a single one.
Nowadays before I read what the movie is about, I check out what special features are listed. I hate it when dvd's are skimpy with the extras. For two reasons 1. because I want to know more and 2. because there is always the chance that the movie companies are trying to scam you into buying two copies of the same movie. They do this by first puting out a crappy disk with special feature that they boast as a trailer and an option for subtitles. (wofrickenwho) They then a while later put out a special edition dvd with all the previously withheld buckets of special features. Let me tell you I fall for it. Sometimes I just cant wait and because there are probably more goobers like me out there, those companies will continue to get away with it.
I don't know if you have gleaned this yet but I love movies. I will really watch any sort of movie but I especially admire movies that are done in a different and unique way. I find that most movies have become so boring and formulaic (is that even a word?) Baz Luhrman really has an eye and I also enjoy Scott Free productions like Man on Fire or Domino. OOH also individual movies such as Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind or Amelie.
I just realized what time it is and I have to work tomorrow. Which means that I have to pry my ass off this couch and haul it upstairs to go to bed.
Hottie McHothot

Enjoy Ladies!
Alright it took all afternoon but I hace finally had it out with not only my bleeping cable company but also the company that makes my wireless router. Trust me this is how my afternoon went-- "It's not our fault its theirs" to which they replied, "Nu-uh!" Either way here I am.
Lets see I have so much to catch up on. We should take another look at Mr. McHothot to fortify ourselves. Ahh... okay, I am ready now.
I no longer work at Zebs do da! Do da! I no longer have to wear an apron to work. And the very best part is no wicked witch known as D. No actually the very best part is that I have received a substantial payraise better benefits to work basically the same job. The job I work now is pretty much a desk job were I work on computers all day. Get this one of my responsibilities is to write up articles for their blog. What a hoot! Of course they don't know that even though I wrote on my resume that I liked to write, I did not say that I was a good writer.
Of course as with every job there is the inevitable down side. We are what is considered the first line of defense or if you are a chess player we would be considered the pawns. I am quite the wuss so I dread those angry phone calls. I tell myself that putting myself out there like this, making myself deal with conflict is making myself a better person. While becoming a tougher person is on my todo list, until I get used to it I am quite uncomfortable. I just try to think of all of the people who have to be strong and deal with unhappy people every day. I think of what Josh said to Charlie when he was getting the job as the presidents body man. He said, "There are going to be times where people want things or more time than the president wants and some of these people will be presidents or kings." Something like that.
Okay I think that I am done for the evening. (Check it out I figured how to do links in the text!)
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
f*#%*ing internet connection
I don't know how much longer I'm going to make it.
Lots of new things to report, however I do not have enough blood in my system to write it all now. Lets just say Ding Dong the witch is dead, the straw finally broke the camels back, it all came out like a barrel of monkeys.
I no longer work at Zebs!
I think that I will leave you at that beacause I am going to be scratching the rest of the day as it is. (and my laptop battery I swear lasts no longer than a half hour)
F*#%*ing internet connection, its on now!
Monday, April 24, 2006
The bulging eye of death

Long time I know everything is crazy right now. As an apology presenting himself for the very first time is the hep-est cat GUS.
I finally finished HP scarf for my bestest friends daughter. I know one wouldn't picture me as a softy but there it is. I have an interview tomorrow for a new job. Of course that means that my eye has decided to do this bloodshot thing. The whole eye. Bright red. Yep just the other one is crystal clear. And unfortunatly after a terrible made for tv movie I have an unnatural fear of eye drops. I swear I look like that teacher from Daria- you know the one with the bulging eye. I look like I have pink eye.
"Hello, I would like to join your team."
I have a trip with my girls to DC in a couple of weekends, unfortunately I have to give up my last vacation to get my new job. Blech.
I am beat and yet I still have so much to do. I need to shower tonight so that my hair is completely dry by tomorrow. Just the start of all of the preparations for what will be most likely a 15 minute interview.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Let me set the scene. I am exhausted. I have spent the better part of my vacation moving in very large pieces of furniture and actually getting rid of all the piles in my room. I know illusions of grandeur right? Lindsay is sleeping in the living room, here for the girly movie night that will take place tomorrow. I spent the entire day in the car with Jeanne a woman I work with, going to a show for work (yes on my vacation, which I will not get paid for). A good portion of that looking for the mall of NH which we never did find. We left at 10 this morning and I got back around 830. Needless to say I am beat. I actually went to bed around 11 I was so tired.
Fast forward to 1AM. I am woken out of a deep sleep by what I assumed to be the Death Metal Band that lives next door. I am incensed. Let me tell you they have been working my last nerve ever since they got those amps. Amps in a condo, you ask? Yes ma'am amps. I have decided that I had enough. I go down stairs and bang on the wall. (Sometimes this lulls them into a temporary quiet.) No luck.
I say to myself-Self what is staying over here, not saying anything getting you? Same old thing, that's what. If you don't set boundary's, they can't know that they are crossing them. So I crammed some sneakers on my feet, searched for a sweater to wear over the gross top I was wearing ( I may have been very anger but I still thought about how I looked).
Then I did it. I stomped over there banged on the door, and when it opened-smoke poring out- I said, "Turn it down!" Yep that was me. They then asked me if I wanted to party I wanted to party with them. Um,yeah cause it looks like I am ready to party in my flowered Pjs. I turned around and left.
Of course afterwards the mom came over, I do like her, I do. She told me that her son had gotten married and this was the overflow party. So not the actually metal band (something should have tipped me off when I didn't hate what was blaring through the walls, I just resented that it was blaring and at 1am.) but this is the home of the metal band and these are the metal band people, so I am hoping that the message sinks through, or that this will start a dialogs about appropriate noise levels for a condo.
Of course that is if they remember it in the morning.
Congrats on the wedding Rory.
Have I turned into a grumpy old man? Or was I merely born that way?
Good lord, now there is brawling in the parking lot.
I hate neighbors.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
You Are Edward From "Edward Scissorhands." You are very shy and often misunderstood. Innocent, sweet, and artistic, you like to pass your days by daydreaming and expressing yourself through the arts. You are a truly unique individual. Unfortunately, you are quite lonely, and few people truly understand you. |
Take The Johnny Depp Quiz!
I love these little quizzes. Lets see I have taken 'Find out which west winger you are', 'Find out which house you would be sorted into', 'Which Lord of the Rings caracter are you?', and last but not least 'Are you a Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte, or a Samantha?" How can you go wrong- find out exactly who I am in six easy questions.
And for anyone wondering: Sam (until I cheated to be more like CJ)
I dont know I might have to take another crack out of the JD one, with my latest fetish for Rum I think I might be channeling Jack Sparrow himself.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Ah so much to think about. On Friday Kate and I went to the premiere of Hansel and Gretel at the Pine Tree elementary School. Is it wrong to heckle little kids? Oh well I was probably going to hell anyway. Who knew that kids that little could remember so many lines. 2 hours. That's all I have to say. Talia (the girl we were there to see) she and I say this with no bias at all, was the best of the whole bunch. I don't know what was funny- watching her ham it up, or watching her mother trying to snap pictures.
I had to tell off my roommate tonight. I am generally one who says from any sort of confrontation, however I am not carrying his sorry ass any more. After about three days of ducking me, I caught him. I couldn't believe how well I did. Now if only I could do the same for the death metal band next door. You would think that a condo would be very un-metal but there they are.
I started my vacation today! I plan to work very hard during it though. I am determined to get this house into order. I have already started by shoving the television into the armoire that Graydon brough over today. It is decorated in a southwestern style and that paired with the southwestern patterned couch Kates parents donated to the cause, it seems as though we are being dragged kicking and screaming into a total makeover. I will try to refrain myself from putting one of those big painting of a dead cow scull.
I have been trying to get my Ireland slide show burned to a dvd all evening. I am going to dive it one more evening. Geek-like I know, but if I comfort myself in the knowledge that if I were a real geek, I would have had it done a long time ago. There is hope for me yet
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Ireland Fund

Howdy-doo! How great is it that Steven got his snotty-ass, holyer than thou, I am the bestest chef in the whole wide word, smacked down. I didnt think that I would get into it but the new Top Chef has hooked me in. I think that everyone is a jerk on it, which just makes it funnier.
I figured that since I showed a pic of my last trip, I should have a pic from my favorite one. On Tuesday it will be exactly one year since Lyric, Sue, and I left for Ireland. Ireland was my very first big trip. I came to the realization that if I really wanted to accomplish something I just had to stop automatically thinking of things as undoable. Once you take the first small step, everything after that just details. My first small step was not telling Lyric that I would go- talking is easy, I am a master talker but was actually opening up that savings account. I called it my Ireland Fund, funny thing is even now, saving for my third trip I still call it my Ireland Fund.
Now I am trying to apply the baby step method to the rest of my life. I'll keep you updated.
Ugh. Tomorrow is work, at least next week I am on vacation. Woohoo!
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

This picture was taken by my best-est friend Crystal on our most recent trip. I don't know whether she meant to have it come out this way, but it was one of my favorites of the whole trip. My favorite pictures from all my trips seem to happen by accident.
Anyway, today was a day off and I spent it shuffling the piles on my bedroom floor from one spot to another. Every time I do manage to get it clean (don't get excited-clean to me is when the piles move from the floor to the closets or under the bed.) I swear this time I will keep it in some semblance of order to no avail. One of these days I will accept the fact that I am just a disorganized mess, its just in my DNA.
Today I also started my annual 'crap, I have to see myself in a swim suit in a couple of months' diet. Crystal was great and helped me finally set up my treadmill. Since I bought the thing with the leftover money from my trip, it has sat in the middle of the living room in pieces. It made a nice spot for my straightening iron and Gus enjoyed his very expensive cat bed. It has been a very long time since I have been on one of those. I am beat.
The girls and I went bowling tonight, I haven't been since stirrup pants were in style. Man do we suck. Kate has the cutest bowling stance, she calls it the old man. We all got a good chuckle-so did the other lanes around us. Funny thing was she would get it dead center every time. We were so bad and messed up so often, the wizened old man working the counter, moved closer and closer until he was standing behind us, where I swear he could be heard muttering "Fer Christs Sake, press zero---Zero!" I think that it will be a while before anyone of us hits the pro bowling circuit. I cant wait until the rest of the group can get together, the girly movie group will have a blast.
Any-who, I am now sitting in front of the TV watching one of the Thin Man movies, this is the second one, not nearly as good as the first one but its a trip to see Jimmy Stewart as a bad guy. But because of all of my activities today I am beat, and thinking of all the piles facing me in the morning, I don't think that I will make it through to the end. In a moment I will head upstairs, clear off the pile on my bed, and get to sleep.
Friday, March 24, 2006
It's on like Donkey Kong-Bi-atch
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Kate and I finally paid a coworkers teenager to come and figure out how to get our cable internet working, we figured we were paying for it we might as well actually figure out how to use it. Of course he came in and was able to hook us up in less than five minutes.
I spent the next-not kidding six hours reading Jennifer Wieners blog. And for better or for worse I have decided that I want one.
And here we go...