From then I moved onto watching special features of other movies that I hadn't done before. I love special features. The whole movie making process facinates me. Tonight it was the special features for Moulin Rouge There were a ton of them. I have owned this movie for well over a year and I had yet to watch a single one.
Nowadays before I read what the movie is about, I check out what special features are listed. I hate it when dvd's are skimpy with the extras. For two reasons 1. because I want to know more and 2. because there is always the chance that the movie companies are trying to scam you into buying two copies of the same movie. They do this by first puting out a crappy disk with special feature that they boast as a trailer and an option for subtitles. (wofrickenwho) They then a while later put out a special edition dvd with all the previously withheld buckets of special features. Let me tell you I fall for it. Sometimes I just cant wait and because there are probably more goobers like me out there, those companies will continue to get away with it.
I don't know if you have gleaned this yet but I love movies. I will really watch any sort of movie but I especially admire movies that are done in a different and unique way. I find that most movies have become so boring and formulaic (is that even a word?) Baz Luhrman really has an eye and I also enjoy Scott Free productions like Man on Fire or Domino. OOH also individual movies such as Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind or Amelie.
I just realized what time it is and I have to work tomorrow. Which means that I have to pry my ass off this couch and haul it upstairs to go to bed.
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