This picture was taken by my best-est friend Crystal on our most recent trip. I don't know whether she meant to have it come out this way, but it was one of my favorites of the whole trip. My favorite pictures from all my trips seem to happen by accident.
Anyway, today was a day off and I spent it shuffling the piles on my bedroom floor from one spot to another. Every time I do manage to get it clean (don't get excited-clean to me is when the piles move from the floor to the closets or under the bed.) I swear this time I will keep it in some semblance of order to no avail. One of these days I will accept the fact that I am just a disorganized mess, its just in my DNA.
Today I also started my annual 'crap, I have to see myself in a swim suit in a couple of months' diet. Crystal was great and helped me finally set up my treadmill. Since I bought the thing with the leftover money from my trip, it has sat in the middle of the living room in pieces. It made a nice spot for my straightening iron and Gus enjoyed his very expensive cat bed. It has been a very long time since I have been on one of those. I am beat.
The girls and I went bowling tonight, I haven't been since stirrup pants were in style. Man do we suck. Kate has the cutest bowling stance, she calls it the old man. We all got a good chuckle-so did the other lanes around us. Funny thing was she would get it dead center every time. We were so bad and messed up so often, the wizened old man working the counter, moved closer and closer until he was standing behind us, where I swear he could be heard muttering "Fer Christs Sake, press zero---Zero!" I think that it will be a while before anyone of us hits the pro bowling circuit. I cant wait until the rest of the group can get together, the girly movie group will have a blast.
Any-who, I am now sitting in front of the TV watching one of the Thin Man movies, this is the second one, not nearly as good as the first one but its a trip to see Jimmy Stewart as a bad guy. But because of all of my activities today I am beat, and thinking of all the piles facing me in the morning, I don't think that I will make it through to the end. In a moment I will head upstairs, clear off the pile on my bed, and get to sleep.
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