I love the Summer Olympics. And no, its not because of the Mens swim teams.
Well not completely because of the mens swim teams...
This however, is my first year watching the opening night. What is up with all the hats? USA is all pimped out in its white golf hats. I also have to laugh whenever the cameras pan into the President and the first lady. You'd think they would know the cameras could be on them at any time and would at least act like they are interested. One time when the cameras panned over, both of them were looking at their watches.
There are dozens of countries that have never won any metals. Ever. That is dedication.
Did anyone else know that table tennis is an Olympic game? Isn't that ping pong?
Okay, right now there is a guy marching around in fur cape. Check it out, New Zealand.
Seriously though, I always get hooked on the summer olympics. It makes the goober in me want to cry. All those people, working so hard, so proud of themselves and their countries. Everyone is there for a common goal, no one is booed, everyone is cheered, even the teams from countries you've never even heard of, that have like 4 members total. You know that this is the biggest thing that has ever happened to them.
Did anyone see the little boy who walked next to the guy holding the Chinese flag? He is this little boy who was in the big earthquake. He was in school when it happened and he was able to get himself out, and then went back to help his classmates out. When he was asked later why he stayed, he said that he was a class leader, it was his job to lead the class.
Am I the only one who watches the Olympics with a tissue?
Besides how much fun is it to say Pieter Van Den Hoogenband?
How much fun is it to look at Pieter Van Den Hoogenband?
As a matter of fact after all the tissues, I think we deserve a picture of Pieter Van Den Hoogenband.
Soak it in ladies:

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