Howdy-doo! How great is it that Steven got his snotty-ass, holyer than thou, I am the bestest chef in the whole wide word, smacked down. I didnt think that I would get into it but the new Top Chef has hooked me in. I think that everyone is a jerk on it, which just makes it funnier.
I figured that since I showed a pic of my last trip, I should have a pic from my favorite one. On Tuesday it will be exactly one year since Lyric, Sue, and I left for Ireland. Ireland was my very first big trip. I came to the realization that if I really wanted to accomplish something I just had to stop automatically thinking of things as undoable. Once you take the first small step, everything after that just details. My first small step was not telling Lyric that I would go- talking is easy, I am a master talker but was actually opening up that savings account. I called it my Ireland Fund, funny thing is even now, saving for my third trip I still call it my Ireland Fund.
Now I am trying to apply the baby step method to the rest of my life. I'll keep you updated.
Ugh. Tomorrow is work, at least next week I am on vacation. Woohoo!