Saturday, July 21, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Meet Samantha Graves? Check

I met up with some Smart Bitches over Diet Cokes in the bar, where we proceeded to have the loudest most inappropriate conversations about male genitalia, sexual perversions, and The Office.
I listened to Michael Hauge speak. He was of course amazing... and of course I bought the 6 hour video, I am nothing if not a sucker for a good upsell.

Other Highlights:
I met Sherrilyn Kenyon She is super nice. She is also one of those ladies one would speak of there in hushed, awestruck tones. (You know in the same realm as Nora or SEP)There was a huge line to get her autograph at the signing. I didn't see her there (not a big fan of lines) but I had a stroke of luck at one of the publisher signings. I was wandering about just as she was about to sit down for another signing and was able to get into the beginning of the line. Even then I waited quite a while. But it was totally worth it, she was SO nice, and funny, and pretty.... (I will stop now)
My Bed. The Hyatts food might have sucked, we might have had to wait for the down elevators for too long, the coffee shop's hot chocolate might be the worst swill imaginable, but the bed was uber comfortable

Okay that is all for now. I've decided to save some for additional posts. (actually it's now night time here and the dreaded nighttime tickle cough has arrived and I'm having a little trouble staying focused) Upcoming posts include, RWA members so nice they could be a Disney Ride, Stalking my new BFF Liza Palmer, It's a Small, Small Word, and How I am like Kathy Griffin.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Who am I kidding? The other businesses in the area where I live cannot support me in the manor to which I have become accustomed.
I am almost ready for the conference. I have been shopping like a storm. I believe that I have all the apparel I need. I have been looking into the all the authors who are going to be at the Literacy Signing. Here are the people who I am most excited to meet:
Samantha Graves I haven't read anything she's written but she is 1/2 of the awesome Will Write for Wine Ladies. (I am actually writing this while I wait for the new episode to be posted to itunes.) She writes romantic suspense under the name Samantha Graves and Futuristics under the pen name C.J. Barry.
Liza Palmer She wrote Conversations with the Fat Girl. I loved this book, not only is it on my keeper shelf but reread it all the time.
Heather Osbourn She was a publisher with Elloras Cave last year and she was on a panel for a workshop called "Pillow Talk: Hint, it's not porn". She was so funny.
Michael Hauge He teaches screenwriting. I listened to his workshop from last year and he teaches storytelling, character arcs, ect. One of my favorites last year and he is teaching two different ones this year.