Tuesday, June 26, 2007
What do they want from me?
Lay off. And that goes for the people in my head, as I am going to go to bed now.
Saturday, June 23, 2007

Friday, June 22, 2007
The Sky is Falling!
Something good, something good... Lets see, oh yes this weeks episode of Will Write for Wine just came out. This is the little treat I have for my car ride in tomorrow. They are discussing Chocolat, which I have to say I didn't really enjoy. Kate was all, watch it you'll love it, I know you. I was able to say after all that "You don't know me at all", which didn't faze her any. The only redeeming quality of the movie was the Johnny Depp character. And not because I drool over JD. His was a really interesting character. I hear his next movie is Sweeney Todd. Somehow that suits him.
Ooo something else I love, I am really enjoying The Twilight Zone Radio Dramas on sundays on my ride home from work they are playing on my local radio station. I went online and they offer a couple of free downloads. At this moment I am listening to Ring a Ding Girl. Check them out
Anyway I can't spend one more moment in front of the computer, so I am off!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Thats what Authors do

Now I just have to get published. You know or finish something. I have a lot to do to to live up to my business card. Isn't it pretty!?
Why would an unpublished writer (not that there's anything wrong with that) have a business card you ask? I am going to my very first writers conference! It is the Romance Writers of America (of which my the ink on my membership card isn't even dry yet) National conference, which is taking place in Dallas. I am SO excited about it. And I am going by myself so I am wicked nervous as well.
Of course I am not a member of any local chapter, so I really won't know anyone. And to be perfectly honest I am not the outgoing type (at least when I don't know anyone). That was okay at first because I am really there to take the workshops anyway. But then I realized how much 'free' time we were given. I am totally going to be that girl in the corner who finds her drink very fascinating. They say this is a great time to go meet people. You know, go up to a table at lunch and ask if the empty chair is taken. Of course if it were me, when I ask if I can sit, the table will be full of very popular published authors, and they will be like "Umm... No. This is the popular kids table?" THEN they will be all offended that I didn't know who they were. (right because people can recognize authors. Show me a picture of your cover and then I'll know who you are) Already I am making enemy's and they don't even know me yet.
The dress code is business casual. Of course business casual for one state is not necessarily business casual for another. In NH business casual means khaki or even jeans and a nice top. So I am packing for everything. I went shopping with Amy this week and apparently I am going to be skirt girl. Even though I didn't know what business casual was, I was sure what it wasn't. I told Amy, I need my clothes to convey a particular message. I need people to look at from my spot in the corner, and say "Look at that lady in the corner, the one with what must be a really interesting drink, her clothes are telling me she is a really interesting and unique person. I feel compelled to go over and introduce myself" Can you do that with a $200 budget?
Oh and get this, there is a full on formal night, which believe it or not I already had a dress for.
Anywhoo, I am not shopping anything, which I think is a good thing. I can go experience this without an agenda, learn a lot, and scope everything out. My big goal is to meet some interesting people and to hopefully come out of this energized with a great critique group.
You know 'cause that's what authors do.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
I now have external conflict for my character! I thought it was cool when the internal conflict fell into place. I knew what the external conflict is for the hero, but that doesn't really work for her. I didn't think it was such a big thing, until I was reading He Wrote She Wrote.
If there is anyone out there trying to write anything (fictional) should definitely check it out. Much worth the time.
Anywhoo, I am house sitting for the next couple of days without an Internet connection. So bad for you because I won't be posting anything but good for my writing because I won't have any of those web distractions.
Unfortunately they do have movie channels which get me every time.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Gift with Purchase
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
What've I been doing you ask? Causing trouble. See below:
I have updated my links, check 'em out.
There has been a lot of changes here. The biggest one is that I have officially admitted I am a reality show junkie. Top Chef, Project Runway, Americas Next Top Model, the list goes on and on.
Lets see what else is new? Oh Yeah my job. Not only do I have a new job but I am now lower to middle management. I am now the sales manager of an internet company. While it is great to be working at a place that not only do they think great things of me but I also get to use my brain. (The money doesn't hurt either) Of course the downside is my job is so stressful it makes my blood pressure go up 20 points.
Lets see I am now an official member of the RWA, thats the Romance Writers of America for all you schlubs out there who didn't know. I am even going to the National Conference. Wahoo! I won't talk too much about it here because I am sure I will bore you all with it later.
Anyway this is just a quick post to reintroduce myself.