There are over 9000 members of the RWA, there was over 2000 members at nationals. In the entire time I was there I didn't meet a single person from New England, let alone New Hampshire.
Enter my stalker. During the Warner 5Spot, Avon(?) and a couple of other publisher book signings I was standing in a line having the ususal conversation (see previous blog). I saw this girl, standing a few people back, reading Conversatioins with the Fat Girl. I of course told her I thought it was wonderful and went back to my conversation. When it came around to my turn and I said NH, I heard from the back of the group, "No way, what part?" Low and behold it was the girl with Liza's book. I said, "It's a little town called North Conway." Her mouth dropped and she told me that she was moving to Conway in a month. Not only was she moving to Conway but she was also moving to the street I grew up on.
That wasn't the last time I bumped into her either. I went to the dinner match up and who was there? I was looking for a place to eat breakfast the next morning and who was sitting there? I was leaving for the airport (sick as a dog) hopped into the front seat of a shuttle that was about to leave and who was sitting behind me? Ooooo. Spooky.
What are the chances?
Anyway, she seems like a really nice lady, and I think it might be good to have another writer so close. Can we say kick in the pants? We have already met up to see the new HP movie. We had one of those cool conversations about authors and books we have (or haven't) enjoyed.