I swear I haven't forsaken you, between my hinky internet conection and moving I have been crazy.
Two of my new favorite things,
NCIS- Kate bought the first season on DVD, it's great
Black Garbage Bags. Not just for trash anymore, no boxes? No problem, just use a trashbag. (just make sure not to mix up the piles)
On Wednesday C and I traveled over an hour to go to Cinamagic. Let me tell you it is magical. I saw the Lady in the Water, we had stadium seating all to our selves. Woa!
Next Thursday I am going to see a local production of the Full Monty. Naked locals, should make for an memorable evening.
PS since I wrote this I have to add that another one of my new favorite things is Amy, she and her brother Josh have been incredibly helpful in this whole crazy moving process.
Gots ta Go- I'm home on my lunch break!
Monday, July 31, 2006
Sunday, July 23, 2006
THe other shoe

Now there is even more things going on right now!
Guess what? I am now a manager! Not only do I have a new job that I love, employers that think I am the shit, but now I have the power to go crazy. I am dizzy with power. Bwa-haha! No just kidding, I am more nervious than anything. I just tell myself that it is just like Zebs except now I have to actually fire people. Actually the thing that makes me more nervious is the fact that if they don't like the job that I am doing, they will take it back. I totally wouldn't be able to work there anymore.
I was talking to Cand K the other day and I still cant believe all the weirdly wonderfull things that keep happening to me in the last few months. Since I have cleared out the oppressive things that have loomed over me, it has been nothing but good times, difficult yes but I think it it has been- grossly put- a real growth time for me.
I am await the other shoe.
Friday, July 21, 2006
hurry hurry
Yea Project Runway! Yea My Life on the D List! I have had so many things happen to me in the last week I can hardly keep up. First up? I am moving. I am moving to the boonie house. We will be moving by the end of next month. At the moment it is still exciting but I am sure that will wear quickly. Now I am in the process of hoeing out 7 years of crap. And I am a pack rat of the highest order. This means that there will be no more piles. I will sort, pack, and mostly throw out everything. Of course by the end I will probably toss everything into a box, which will sit until I move again. I've got to go before I get kicked off again.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Flashing Bald Spots of Insperation

I am actually being a very good girl right now. I am hard at work on my very first novel. Well lets hope that it will be a novel when it is done. It is one of my goals to finish a novel and I decided that there is no time like the present. I have made a pact with myself that I will finish it by my birthday. You heard it here folks. 11/02/06. I will be finished (a rough draft of course) 11/2/06. Of course I will immediately burn it to a cindiery ash.
I write 3 hours a day everyday, with a hopeful goal of 10 pages per day. Of course that is assuming that the stupid Microsoft program. Also I am reading Steven King's On Writing. I'm finding it very helpful.
Oh my god, I am watching the Fishbowl on amazon.com. There is a interview with Kevin Smith on and there was a shot of the back of his head and he totally has this huge bald spot. I can't believe that he is still playing Silent Bob with a bald spot. The people of my generation are already starting to show signs of wear and tear-- its all down hill from here on out folks.
Alright it is just about 9 so I have to go, you know everyday that I write it gets just a little bit easier. Yesterday I even had this huge bolt of inspiration hit me. A whole plot line figured itself out. Just as Steven King predicted, spooky.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Rise Up!
damn microsoft with their errors, their error reports let us know what happened to better help you in the future. Fuck the future man, where are my 5 pages you ate tonight? Blah blah blah save as you go everyone says. I say forget that, how about you make a GD program that is not crap! STUPIDSTUPIDSTUPID. That is all because now I have to go and rewrite those pages so I can move onto those other 5 before I can go to bed. If I am tired and pissy tomorow at work I am going to kick Microsoft's ass!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Charlie lets go to the candy mountain!
This is the fuckingist funny thing that I have scene in a long time. Check it out right now. Click on the link that says watch movie.
Ode to Lifetime movies

1. It must star a once famous actress for who this is their last stop before infomercial and those where are they now shows. Now on frequent rotation that girl from Facts of Life, the mom from Family Ties, and that anorexic girl from that tv show with Kirk Cameron. Right now a surprising addition is that crazy one who was Ellens girlfriend.
2. Someone must be in peril. Either they have a bad relationship where they are being cheated on, beaten, or otherwise milined, they have to be sick-- real sick, cancer preferably, or their lives must generally be in danger by being abandoned, kidnapping, becoming a prostitute, or by murder. A really good show has any combination of these.
3. Someone a person loves is in peril, see above and they turn amateur detective to find out who done them wrong.
4. There must at some point be an empationed speach.
5. The title generally includes "based on a true story" or "inspired by real life events"
6. The man gets it in the end, it doesn't matter how, it just has to happen.
Here are some of my top favorites:
'Caught in the act"where the girls husband cheats on her she learns to become a private eye to catch him in the act and then her friend is killed by her husband and she investigates that and catches him (see rule 2 and 3),
That one with Sabrina the Teenaged witch's boat sinks at sea, and they have to wait for someone to find them while only her and the other romantic lead survive. Its called something like two left or something
The Betty Broadrick story where the crazy woman shoots her husband,
that one where Farah Focett shoots her kids "Small Sacrifices"
Ooh and that one with Yasmine Bleeth where she is married to that guy who ends up being a con man and shoots his best friend's daughter in law and steals the grandchild-- gives it to Yasmine as an adopted child and she had to investigate him. Love that one.
That one where that girl from Charmed plays a girl who after her birthday cheats on her, she makes him kill the other girl to prove his love to her. And that other one the Charmed girl is in where her mom is being beaten.
I could go on and on. Actually I already have. In conclusion, I heard that Lifetime is changing the format of their station and this is my plea: Less Golden Girls more Lifetime Movies!
Saturday, July 01, 2006
butt.is.numb. brain.is.numb. and I keep wanting to spell numb with a K. I think it is time to go to bed.
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